September 23, 2024 | Huffington Post

Trump incorporates the term ‘remigration’, signals to ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy

Jakob Guhl, ISD Senior Manager, Policy & Research, discussed with the Huffington Post about how Trump’s use of the term “remigration” in a post on Truth Social signals a troubling alignment with the ‘Great Replacement’conspiracy theory. Trump’s post read: “[We will] return Kamala’s illegal migrants to their home countries (also known as remigration),” he wrote. “I will save our cities ...

January 23, 2024 | Sensemaker

The UK government bans Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir

ISD’s Rashad Ali is a guest on Tortoise Media’s Sensemaker, discussing the UK government’s recent decision to designate the Islamist group Hizb-ut Tahrir as a terrorist organisation.

January 18, 2024 | The Hill

Motives behind surge in ‘swatting’ incidents remains unclear

ISD's Katherine Keneally discusses recent 'swatting' incidents with the Hill, providing an overview about what is and isn't known about the threats, the various actors that use the tactic and the difficulties law enforcement faces in countering or prosecuting.

October 10, 2023 | The Moscow Times

The role of Tucker Carlson in Russian state media’s propaganda strategy

Tucker Carlson doesn't work for or with Russian state media. Yet his clips are constantly pushed in Russia. ISD's Elise Thomas writes an op-ed for the Moscow Times on the dynamics between the two and why Carlson is "much better" at promoting divisive, polarising views.

March 21, 2023 | VICE News

Incel and extremist content, just a search away on TikTok

ISD's Tim Squirrell and Ciarán O'Connor spoke to VICE News about the little that has changed regarding incel content on TikTok in the last two years, and just how easy it is for users to come across this content.

November 30, 2022 | i News

The dark world of incels, what to know and how to help

ISD's Tim Squirrell spoke to i News about incels, the signs an individual might exhibit when being drawn into this subculture, and how concerned family and loved ones can help bring them out again.

Graphic of Donald Trump with Q speech bubble

September 23, 2022 | Washington Post

Stock music song twice appropriated by QAnon and Trump

ISD’s Jared Holt spoke to the Washington Post about the latest Donald Trump and QAnon crossover: an innocuous stock music song that's become a common theme for QAnon and the Trump campaign.