May 13, 2022 | Channel 4 News
Growing British far-right group pushes new grooming tactics
ISD’s Julia Ebner provided analysis to a Channel 4 investigation on the tactics and narratives used by the British white nationalist movement Patriotic Alternative (PA) to groom young people in the country. A reporter from Channel 4’s Dispatches went undercover for more than a year, and found former members of the outlawed National Action party among the PA’s higher rankings. The group’s tactics ranged from leafleting predominantly white neighbourhoods with hate messages, urging parents to withdraw their children from schools and opt for home schooling with an alternative curriculum, and meddling in elections.
Commenting on the home-schooling efforts, Julia said: This is a curriculum that is basically a brainwashing of children to white nationalist ideologies. They’re trying to indoctrinate the younger generations so they can have a longer term political impact.