February 1, 2022 | Sitel TV

Simeon Dukić speaks to Sitel TV about online extremism in North Macedonia

Simeon Dukić of the Strong Cities Network spoke to national news outlet Sitel TV about his work leading a mapping exercise to better understand the scope and nature of online extremist content in North Macedonia.

Simeon’s research included collecting and analysing 1,290,554 online posts in Macedonian and Albanian languages, and identifying hateful and extremist content regarding political issues and ethnic and religious groups.

It forms part of the ISD report Online Extremism in North Macedonia: Politics, Ethnicities and Religion, available in English, Albanian and Macedonian. This is one in a series of country studies of online extremism published through the SCN.

Simeon Dukić is ISD’s Senior Manager for the Balkans & Central Asia.