ISD Jordan

ISD has been working in Jordan since 2016, empowering local governments, youth and practitioners.

The New Institute for Strategic Dialogue for Experimental Research and Development (ISD Jordan) is a non-profit Limited Liability Company registered in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

ISD Jordan delivers a range of projects independently and in partnership with ISD Germany and ISD UK.

ISD Jordan’s team also contributes to pioneering multilingual research into digital Salafi-jihadist ecosystems online, tracking and monitoring the tactics and trends of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), al-Qaeda, and their affiliates. Researchers have examine how these groups leverage interconnected networks of websites, social media accounts, and messaging applications, to galvanise and mobilise supporters.

ISD’s MENA digital research team has brought down coordinated networks of ISIS supporters on Facebook; unearthed terabyte-large digital archives; and reported on cross-organisational learning between groups online. Our team has also discovered and reported on Arabic-language COVID-19 disinformation networks operating bogus think tanks, and ‘scientific collectives’ on platforms such as Facebook and YouTube. Our work has been featured in Wired, the BBC and the Daily Beast.

Historic Programming

Before 2023, ISD worked with local communities and governments in Lebanon and Jordan to counter hate, extremism and disinformation through the flagship Strong Cities Network regional project, the Young Cities programme and the Youth Civic Action Academy.

The Strong Cities Network in Jordan and Lebanon

The Strong Cities regional programme in the Middle East supported municipalities in strengthening their abilities to coordinate and deliver local P/CVE strategies and activities. By providing municipalities with the knowledge and tools needed to identify and react to early signs of radicalisation, Strong Cities seeks to reduce the presence of violent extremism within Lebanese and Jordanian communities. This work was delivered through a model of Local Prevention Networks (LPNs).

Through a range of initiatives across the region, the Strong Cities Network led various transformative efforts in:

  • Tripoli: Developing a critical reintegration programme for ex-prisoners and those leaving the prison system, providing skills training, employment opportunities and professional psychosocial support. This ground-breaking pilot project tackled trauma, disenfranchisement, marginalisation and unemployment as key drivers of violent extremism.
  • Saida: A dedicated Psychosocial Support Unit provided psychosocial support to parents concerned about vulnerable children, training them to recognise early warning signs of violence and manage and refer individual cases.
  • Majdal Anjar: The LPN worked to counter stigmatisation of vulnerable communities, training young men and women from refugee as well as host communities with digital marketing skills while raising awareness around hate speech and disinformation on social media.
  • Jordan: The LPNs in Irbid, Karak and Zarqa organised monthly Diwaneyat dialogue series on extremism-related issues, bringing together policymakers, academics, religious leaders, youth workers and civil society members. The team compiled a dedicated library of Arabic training resources to support trainings on human security and preventing violent extremism.

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs began funding the programme in 2016, facilitating the establishment of six local prevention networks in Lebanon and Jordan. Continued funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2019 expanded these efforts. In addition to direct programming, our team facilitated exchanges between local policymakers in Lebanon and Jordan and their counterparts in the Netherlands to explore reintegration and rehabilitation strategies for returnees and detainees through the Dutch ‘Safety Houses’ model. The Strong Cities Network worked closely with the National PVE Unit at the Council of Ministers in Lebanon and with the Ministry of Local Administration in Jordan to implement these initiatives.

Young Cities in Lebanon

The long-running Strong Cities project Young Cities operated in Lebanon, Senegal, Kenya and North Macedonia. Young Cities collaborated with both young people and local government to enhance and support youth-led solutions to community challenges such as hate, polarisation, extremism and violence.

In Lebanon, Young Cities implemented ISD’s Youth Innovation Lab model with local partners and staff. This included the delivery of training workshops to support the implementation of youth-led initiatives across three cities, tackling issues such as inter-faith relations in Tripoli and marginalisation of refugees in Saida. These activities were delivered with buy-in and support from Strong Cities’ Local Prevention Networks and key municipal focal points.

The Youth Civic Action Academy 

ISD’s Youth Civic Action Academy (YCAA) was designed to empower young Jordanians to take an active role in preventing violence and building social cohesion in their local communities. Young people engaged through the YCAA project worked with a diverse set of stakeholders to promote media literacy and tackle issues like hate speech, cyberbullying, dis/misinformation and violent extremism.

The Young Cities team mobilises to assist victims of the Beirut blasts, August, 2020

ISD’s MENA team

Moustafa Ayad
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Moustafa Ayad

Executive Director; Africa, the Middle East and Asia (AMEA)

Moustafa Ayad
Moustafa Ayad

Executive Director; Africa, the Middle East and Asia (AMEA)

Moustafa Ayad is the Executive Director for Africa, the Middle East, and Asia (AMEA) at ISD, with more than 15 years worth of experience designing, developing, and deploying multi-faceted counter extremism projects in conflict and post-conflict environments across AMEA. He has experience in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kenya, Senegal, as well the United States, with a range of government and non-governmental partners on violent extremism, conflict resolution and strategic communications. Moustafa’s research on hybrid extremism and the use of social media platforms by extremist groups and their supporters has been featured in the Associated Press, BBC, The Times, VICE, CNN, NPR,  Wired, and The Daily Beast. 
Rashad Ali
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Rashad Ali

Senior Fellow

Rashad Ali
Rashad Ali

Senior Fellow

Rashad Ali is a Senior Fellow at ISD. Rashad is a counter terrorism practitioner who works on deradicalisation initiatives alongside Prisons, Probation Services, Police and community groups. He was formerly a national leadership member of Hizb ut-Tahrir, the revolutionary Islamist organisation and has been actively involved in undermining its extreme ideology and perversion of Muslim faith since his departure. As a researcher he has given testimony and contributed submissions to the Home Affairs Select Committee on Radicalisation, the Parliamentary Select Committee on Intelligence and has briefed the London Mayor's office on Counter Terrorism and has been consulted by think tanks and governments in Germany, Denmark, the EU and the US. He is an external lecturer for Derby University’s Master Class courses on Radicalisation and Counter Terrorism. He has written for The Observer, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Independent, The Times, Dissent Magazine, Birlingske in Denmark, Conservative Home, and given commentary for Newsnight, BBC News. He is the author of Islam, Shariah and the Far Right published by Demoqratiya journal, A Guide to Refuting Jihadism published by HJS and EFD, and the author of the ISD report Blasphemy, Charlie Hebdo, and the Freedom of Belief and Expression. He is classically trained in Islamic theology and jurisprudence and Modern studies in Islam. He studied at al-Azhar University, Cairo, and the Markfield Institute.