
The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD UK) is registered as a charitable company limited by guarantee (registered charity number 1141069, registered company number 06581421) and was established by a Memorandum of Association on 30 April 2008. You can view all Annual Returns for ISD on the Charity Commission for England and Wales website and on the Companies House website.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue-US (ISD-US) is a non-political, not-for-profit corporation registered in the District of Columbia with 501(c)(3) status. It was formed with Articles of Incorporation on 19 August 2009, with tax identification number 27-1282489.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue gGmbH (ISD Germany) is registered with the companies’ registrar in Berlin, registration AG Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 207 328B. It was formed on 19 February 2019 with a Deed and Articles of Association and began operations in 2020. The Managing Directors are Huberta von Voss and Sarah Kennedy.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue France (ISD France) is a legal entity under the status of Association de loi 1901, a status granted to not-for-profit organisations across a range of sectors.

The New Institute for Strategic Dialogue for Experimental Research and Development (ISD Jordan) is a non-profit Limited Liability Company registered in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Until 2016, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue was operated through The Trialogue Educational Trust, a sister charity with registered charity number 1076660.

Board Members


    Mark Bergman
    Meryl Chertoff
    Sir Mick Davis
    Stuart Fiertz (Treasurer)
    Dr. Serra Kirdar
    Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
    Sasha Havlicek
    Dr. Kerry Healey

    Michael Lewis (Chair)
    Shirley Lord Rosenthal
    Farah Pandith
    Chris Rice
    Lord Aamer Sarfraz
    Lord Adair Turner (Chair, Policy Board)
    Ed Williams
    Stephen Zinser

    Christoph Gottschalk
    Sasha Havlicek
    Arabella Phillimore
    Dr. Evelyn Stern
    Huberta von Voss