The Business Council for Democracy (BC4D) gives the private sector a role in building resilience and protecting democracy

Liberal democracy is under pressure. Strengthening it and making it more resilient is a task for all parts of society, including businesses. For many entrepreneurs and managers, this is an important matter.

The BC4D – a joint initiative from the Hertie Stiftung, the Robert Bosch Stiftung and ISD Germany – is an innovative opportunity for adults, who rarely receive the chance to take courses on digital civic culture. Here, employees can learn more about the spread of hate speech, targeted disinformation and conspiracy theories and discover what they can do to counter such harms and how they can protect others around them.

As a new alliance for the protection of democracy in the digital age, BC4D tests and develops courses that provide team members with the essential knowledge and skills to recognise digital harms. The aim is to strengthen personal responsibility and resilience against polarising and radicalising content. The courses are voluntary and open to all, regardless of their age or level of professional training.

Why do we need the BC4D?
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted increasing social polarisation in Germany. The internet has become even more important for everyday life, but the knowledge and skills necessary for a healthy online debate culture and confident handling of information are often lacking. At the same time, we are seeing an exponential increase in hateful, polarising and violent content.

Until now, the majority of existing training programs have only reached younger people. BC4D’s training courses are therefore deliberately situated in the workplace and thus in a setting where social interaction is practiced by adults of all ages. Many employers also enjoy great credibility with their employees. For them to act as representatives of a vital and fair democratic culture is one of BC4D’s goals.

As a new alliance for the protection of democracy, BC4D offers companies and other employers, as well as trade unions and business associations a great opportunity. It has the support of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände e.V, BDA). After all, basic democratic values, social cohesion and political culture should also be part of work culture; just like sustainability, the protection of liberal democracies must be added to the agenda of the private sector.

Through this initiative, BC4D looks to strengthen liberal democracy at a time when hate and false news are becoming increasingly normalized and are being spread both online and offline.

What do we want to achieve?
The conditions under which democracy takes place have changed significantly in the digital age. BC4D aims to empower people with the knowledge and skills of digital civic culture that are relevant for this. The project connects civil society, businesses, and citizens so that they can jointly contribute to maintaining social cohesion in the digital age.

In BC4D courses, employees from different companies can learn and practice how to recognize and challenge hate speech, disinformation and conspiracy theories. As a result, participants gain a deeper understanding of the role the internet plays in regard to the social polarization of democratic societies. Among other things, they are provided with strategies to show courage online, so that the internet can continue to function as an important space for necessary debates and to ensure that diversity, tolerance and respect are maintained.

How does the BC4D work?
With the input of renowned experts, we have developed a digital curriculum on the topics of hate speech, disinformation and conspiracy theories. The curriculum is continuously updated to incorporate latest research as well as current examples.

In the pilot phase from March to May 2021, the BC4D courses have been trialed in six companies. The Alba GroupEvonik Industries, the Kion GroupNomos-GlashütteUFA and Volkswagen AG have been participating as pilot partners. In groups of 15 to 20, employees of these companies have received trainings from professional trainers on digital citizenship. The courses took place in eight weekly sessions. An evaluation of this pilot phase showed that more than 95% of participants would recommend their colleagues to join the BC4D training and a large majority of participants appreciate that their employers stand up for democratic values.

Since autumn 2021, the training courses have been made available to a significantly larger number of companies and their employees. So far, the BC4D program has been implemented in 16 companies, among them again Volkswagen AG, Evonik Industries, the KION Group and Nomos Glashütte, and in this second phase has welcomed companies such as Deutsche Bahn, Nokia, Hochtief and IG Metall, with up to 200 participants. The BC4D course will be implemented in up to 100 businesses until the end of 2023, aiming at reaching 2.000 participants.

The courses take place online, are interactive and utilize concrete examples and exercises. The overarching questions include: What can I do if I am subjected to hate speech myself? How does digital counter-speech work? What advice and legal options are there for those affected? How can I recognize conspiracy theories and suspicious sources? What makes people vulnerable to digital manipulation? and What consequences does digital polarization have for our society? 

The next round of the BC4D will include partner businesses:

  • Akquinet
  • Bosch
  • Bulthaup
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • Deutsche Bank
  • EOS
  • Evonik
  • IG Metall Bavaria
  • KION Group
  • Leipzig Group
  • Nokia
  • NOMOS Glasswerke
  • Press and Information Office of the Federal Government
  • Sparda Bank Berlin eG
  • Stadtwerke Munich
  • Foundation of the German Economy (Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft)
  • Volkswagen
  • Bito AG and HausNext
  • Otto Group
  • Charité
  • Daimler
  • Bertelsmann
  • Stromnetz Hamburg
  • Finetech

For more information on how to participate, please click here.

“Under what conditions does democracy take place in the digital age? We want to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for people to better protect themselves and others against manipulation and polarization online.” – Huberta von Voss-Wittig, Executive Director, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD Germany)

“Democracy needs advocates in all areas of life. So also in the world of work.” – Elisabeth Niejahr, Managing Director at the Hertie Foundation

 “Hate and incitement have no place in our ranks. That’s why the Business Council for Democracy is important to me. We want to promote civic engagement among our employees and open up new perspectives for good cooperation. That is more important than ever.” – Hiltrud Werner, Member of the Board of Management for Integrity and Legal Affairs, Volkswagen AG

“New approaches are needed to strengthen democracy – at BC4D, civil society and businesses are leading the way together, strengthening knowledge about how to deal with hate speech, conspiracy theories and disinformation.” – Claudia Rolf, Team Leader, Robert Bosch Stiftung

“How can I deal with digital hate speech? How do I respond to conspiracy ideologies on the internet? When it comes to a digital democracy, these questions concern us all and must be tackled between new alliances. The professional environment plays an important role in this. This is where the Business Council for Democracy is doing real pioneering work.” – Melanie Dense, Senior Project Manager, Robert Bosch Stiftung

Ursula von der Leyen

“Companies benefit from social harmony, not just in the company, but in society as a whole. So why shouldn’t businesses play an important role in strengthening our democracy?”

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

As an employer, we consider it our responsibility to strengthen social cohesion. That’s why we support the BC4D democracy initiative.Steffen Kampeter, Chief Executive, Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA)
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ISD’s BC4D team

Gil Jung
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Gil Jung

Director of Communications and Events, ISD Germany

Gil Jung
Gil Jung

Director of Communications and Events, ISD Germany

Gil Jung is the Director of Communications and Events at ISD Germany. As a communications expert with many years of international experience, Gil acts as ISD Germany’s main interface between the media, key stakeholders and programme teams, as well as on all organizational matters. Gil worked as a journalist in Bonn London and Paris before switching to public relations. She has left a broad portfolio of clients from the private sector behind to support the strategic expansion of ISD Germany in the DACH region.
Sina Laubenstein
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Sina Laubenstein

Director of Programs, ISD Germany

Sina Laubenstein
Sina Laubenstein

Director of Programs, ISD Germany

Sina Laubenstein is the Director of Programs for ISD Germany, designing and implementing the regional strategy of the Berlin-based entity and driving the strategic expansion of ISD’s portfolio in Europe. She is responsible for the inter-entity collaboration, connecting ISD Germany’s outputs and objectives to the global organisation and the wider team. At ISD, Sina is also leading a project on monitoring online gender-based violence around the 2024 European election and is co-leading the Coalition to Counter Online-Antisemitism (CCOA). She additionally was the co-developer behind the curriculum of the Business Council for Democracy (BC4D). Sina previously consulted on a law against digital violence, advising policymakers and the German government, and up until 2021, as a recognised expert in the field, she led an international project focusing on hate speech online.
Nathalie Rücker
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Nathalie Rücker

Senior Manager, Capacity Building & Civic Action, ISD Germany

Nathalie Rücker
Nathalie Rücker

Senior Manager, Capacity Building & Civic Action, ISD Germany

Nathalie Rücker is Senior Manager, Capacity Building and Civic Action for ISD Germany. She manages the Business Council for Democracy (BC4D) project and also co-leads the project "Pan European Coalition against Online Antisemitism" (CCOA). Previously, Nathalie worked at the intersection of peacebuilding research, conflict prevention and human rights education, in Germany and abroad, focusing on global citizenship education and the capacity building of civil society actors. She holds a BA in Political Science and an MA in Public International Law and International Relations and is a trained conflict mediator.
Marisa Wengeler
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Marisa Wengeler

Educator at the Business Council for Democracy, ISD Germany

Marisa Wengeler
Marisa Wengeler

Educator at the Business Council for Democracy, ISD Germany

Marisa Wengeler is an Educator at the Business Council for Democracy (BC4D), an adult education project about digital citizenship. She trains employees on building resilience against hate speech, disinformation and conspiracy narratives online. Previously, she worked with different publishing houses on subscription and audience engagement strategies. She holds an M.A. in Journalism and Communication Science from the Free University of Berlin, where she studied mobilisation strategies and topics of populist and anti-democratic actors in digital networks.
Nicolaus Limbourg
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Nicolaus Limbourg

Nicolaus Limbourg, Project Coordinator for BC4D & EA for ISD Germany

Nicolaus Limbourg
Nicolaus Limbourg

Nicolaus Limbourg, Project Coordinator for BC4D & EA for ISD Germany

Nicolaus Limbourg is a Project Coordinator at the Business Council for Democracy (BC4D), which offers training for adult employees to promote resilience against digital threats to democracy, such as hate speech, misinformation and conspiracy narratives. In addition, he provides support as the Executive Assistant for ISD Germany operation management. Previously, he worked in the field of conflict mediation in the Middle East with a focus on Israel-Palestine. Nicolaus holds a Master's degree in MSc Development Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London. His focus was on analysing the development of Hezbollah, its role in the Levant region, and its transition from an armed resistance group to an armed non-state actor.