Hate and polarisation


Telegram as a Buttress: How far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists are expanding their infrastructures via Telegram

Telegram has become the central alternative platform for German language right-wing extremists. Over time, the messenger service has adopted social media functions that turned it into a hybrid platform. The promised anonymity and lack of moderation makes the platform attractive for extremists. This report researches, how the far-right online milieu in the German-speaking world is using Telegram.

Signposts – A background report on right-wing extremist online subcultures 

This report discusses the context of the ISD research project “Countering Radicalisation in Far-Right Online Subcultures”, which deals with German right-wing extremists and their use of alternative platforms. It gives a historical overview of the German far-right’s online activities, describes methodological foundations and presents a summary of interviews that informed the project’s research.  

Escape Routes: How far-right actors circumvent the Network Enforcement Act 

For this study, the online milieu of radical right-wing and extreme right-wing actors was investigated with particular regard to its linking strategies to alternative platforms. The aim of the analysis was to make the cosmos of online platforms used by extreme right-wing and radical right-wing actors accessible.