Digital policy


What’s New (and What’s Not) with News Front

Despite having been banned in 2020, pro-Russian propaganda outlet News Front has been able to return to Facebook for at least a third time without any significant innovation in its tactics or operation. This raises questions about how effectively Facebook enforces its own bans on known bad actors.

Das Geschäft mit dem Hass – Wie Online-Bezahldienstleister von der rechtsextremen Szene genutzt werden

Das Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) und der Global Disinformation Index (GDI) haben in ihrer neusten Studie 17 bekannte deutsche extremistische Gruppen und Akteure identifiziert, die Online-Finanzdienste nutzen, um ihre Aktivitäten zu finanzieren. Zu diesen Diensten gehören Unternehmen wie American Express, Mastercard und Visa, Paypal, Square und Klarna, aber auch Online-Shopping Unternehmen wie WooCommerce und Spendendienste wie Patreon.

Gaming and Extremism: The Extreme Right on Twitch

ISD discovered that content which expresses support for extreme right wing ideologies can be discovered on Twitch with relative ease, for example, through the practice of “Omegle Redpilling.” However, these videos are probably better considered as sporadic examples rather than representative of the systemic use of Twitch by the extreme right for radicalisation and coordination.