FREE Initiative: Full series of practical guides to respond to Far-Right threats
The FREE Initiative, set-up in 2014, is the first pan-European resource to offer practical guidance on countering far-right extremism across Europe. It aims to inspire and promote cross-border learning among those working against violent far-right extremism. It showcases the good work that is being done across Europe to prevent, intervene and respond.
The FREE initiative has to date worked across 10 countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. It will grow over time as new problems emerge, and new methods are tried and tested.
As part of the initiative, ISD published a series of practical how-to guides for local authorities across Europe to use to understand and counter the rising threat of Far-Right extremism.
Download the how-to guides below
Download: Responding to Hate Speech and Incitement
Download: Managing Threat To Public Order
Download: Ending Violent Behaviour and Fragmenting Movements
Download: Supporting and Empowering Victims
Download: Raising Awareness of the Problem
Download: Pushing Public Agencies to Act