Islamist extremism


The Cloud Caliphate: Archiving the Islamic State in Real Time

This joint report by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) and the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point offers a preliminary survey and analysis of one of the largest known online repositories of Islamic State materials, nicknamed the “Cloud Caliphate,” to increase understanding of how violent extremist groups and their supporters manage, preserve, and protect information relevant to their cause.

Developing and Implementing Local Action Plans for P/CVE in East Africa: SCN Toolkit with lessons from Kenya.

Toolkit designed by The Strong Cities Network (SCN), based on Kenya’s experience in developing County Action Plans (CAPs) as a resource for governments and civil society organisations in East Africa who are interested in developing a Local Action Plan (LAP). LAPs seek to build a multisectoral approach to strengthening community resilience and addressing the root causes of violent extremism, polarisation and hate.

Voices of Pakistani Youth: Lessons for Civil Society in the Development of Effective Counter-Narrative Campaigns

This report provides a series of evidence-based lessons for international NGOs, practitioners and activists working in Pakistan, to improve their capacities in developing counter-narrative campaigns to counter extremism and hate speech. Through YouthCAN, focus groups, bringing together 70 young people from Islamabad, explored how youth in the country understand extremism and hate speech.

Krise und Kontrollverlust: Digitaler Extremismus im Kontext der Corona-Pandemie

Dieser Report analysiert die Netzwerke und Narrative deutschsprachiger rechtsextremer, linksextremer und islamistisch-extremistischer Akteure auf Mainstream- und alternativen Social-Media-Plattformen sowie extremistischen Websites im Kontext der Corona-Pandemie. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen: Extremisten aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz konnten ihre Reichweite seit der Einführung der Lockdown-Maßnahmen vergrößern.

The Propaganda Pipeline: The ISIS Fuouaris Upload Network on Facebook

This new investigation from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) delves into the inner workings of a pro-ISIS account network on Facebook, providing a case study of the resilient network dynamics, technological loopholes, and cross-platform activity that allowed a web of accounts to survive and flourish for over three months on a platform which purports to be a hostile environment for terrorist actors.

Women, Girls and Islamist Extremism

This new toolkit will help practitioners engage more confidently with women and girls affiliated with Islamist extremism and provide guidance for broader community groups involved in safeguarding at-risk women and girls in Europe. Building on a series of interviews with intervention providers, the new toolkit sheds light on some of the reasons why British women became affiliated with ISIS. The interviews have informed a new practical toolkit which includes recommendations, case studies and tools.