

La pandémie de COVID-19: terreau fertile de la haine en ligne

Ce rapport s’intéresse à la corrélation entre la pandémie et propagation du discours haineux en ligne. En s’appuyant sur la méthodologie de la Cartographie de la Haine en ligne, l’ISD a opéré une analyse en détail du discours anti-arabe/magrébin, anti-musulman, anti-asiatique et anti-refugié/migrant. Cette étude fait le constat que la pandémie a alimenté des discours visant à stigmatiser certaines communautés minoritaires en France.

The Long Tail of Influence Operations: A Case Study on News Front

This case study examines two websites and two blogging accounts which appear to be linked to News Front, a Crimean-based news organisation previously accused of being a source of pro-Kremlin disinformation and influence operations. While the impact of the site’s activity is low, the case study provides a glimpse into the inner workings of the broader disinformation ecosystem and sheds light on the long tail of state-linked online assets.

Spin Cycle: Information Laundering on Facebook

The report outlines an investigation by ISD into a series of Facebook groups and pages exhibiting suspicious, potentially coordinated and inauthentic activity. The report illustrates how spam-like networks on Facebook can be used to distribute potentially harmful content across the platform at scale.

Seconde vague et désinformation : Aperçu des tendances sur les réseaux sociaux

Ce rapport analyse, en utilisant des données publiquement accessibles, les échanges relatifs à la deuxième vague de COVID-19 en France sur les principales plateformes de réseaux sociaux (Facebook et Twitter). Ont ainsi été analysés les discours les plus prégnants en rapport avec la deuxième vague de la pandémie ainsi que les types de contenu les plus largement partagés et les figures clés qui ont influencé le débat.

Hoodwinked: Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour on Facebook

This briefing provides an overview of ‘coordinated inauthentic behaviour’ (CIB) on Facebook. It reviews the information made public on CIB through Facebook’s own reporting between July 2018 and July 2020, assessing the scale of CIB across Facebook and Instagram, the profit Facebook has made from it and the intricacies of the networks themselves. Ahead of the US presidential elections, this briefing highlights the persistent threat of ‘coordinated inauthentic behaviour’ on Facebook.

Disinformation briefing: Narratives around Black Lives Matter and voter fraud

This short briefing details the methodology and key findings of a study conducted jointly by the ISD team and Politico. Leveraging data from across social media platforms, this investigation seeks to understand online discussions around the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and the issue of voter fraud ahead of the US Presidential election.

QAnon and Conspiracy Beliefs

The findings from this study provide important context for understanding the relationship between QAnon and the broader problem of conspiracy theory beliefs. A majority of Americans know nothing about QAnon and fewer than one-in-ten have a favorable view toward it; yet, a majority of those who recognize and believe in QAnon conspiracy theories are not QAnon supporters (most said they had not even heard of QAnon).

Political Monopoly: How Europe’s New Authoritarians Stifle Democracy and Get Away With it

"Political Monopoly: How Europe’s New Authoritarians Stifle Democracy and Get Away With it" is a new analysis of how Europe’s new authoritarians in Hungary, Poland and elsewhere consolidate power while maintaining a democratic facade. Comparing them to economic monopolies, it proposes a framework of “political anti-trust” to restore competitive politics.