

What’s New (and What’s Not) with News Front

Despite having been banned in 2020, pro-Russian propaganda outlet News Front has been able to return to Facebook for at least a third time without any significant innovation in its tactics or operation. This raises questions about how effectively Facebook enforces its own bans on known bad actors.

Digitale Gewalt und Desinformation gegen Spitzenkandidat:innen vor der Bundestagswahl 2021

Regelmäßig werden Politiker:innen zu Zielscheiben von systematischen Desinformationskampagnen, erhalten Hassnachrichten, Bedrohungen und Beleidigungen in sozialen Netzwerken. Ziel dieser Analyse war es indessen, Umfang und Formen von digitaler Gewalt sowie der Verbreitung von Desinformationen gegen Spitzenkanidat:innen der drei populärsten Parteien in Deutschland - CDU, SPD und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) - vor der Bundestagswahl zu untersuchen.

The networks and narratives of anti-refugee disinformation in Europe

This report provides a snapshot of the different online communities involved in the promotion of hate and disinformation targeting refugees and the migration sector in 2020. It looks at networks of accounts in Greek, German and English language, and provides an overview of the narratives employed in anti-refugee disinformation and the dynamics which drive this activity online.

Desinformationskampagnen gegen die Wahl: Befunde aus Sachsen-Anhalt

In deutschsprachigen sozialen Medien nehmen Kampagnen, die es zum Ziel haben, Zweifel an der Rechtmäßigkeit von Wahlen zu säen, an Fahrt auf. Dieser Kurzbericht des ISD Germany befasst sich mit Desinformationsversuchen im Kontext der Landtagswahl in Sachsen-Anhalt.

A Snapshot of Far-Right Activity on Gab in Australia

This report provides an analysis of far-right mobilisation on Gab in Australia, based on the analysis of over 45,000 posts produced between 1 January and 30 September 2020. Through this analysis, the study helps evidence the role Gab plays as a hub for explicitly antisemitic far-right extremism and radicalism in the Australian context.

Layers of Lies: A First Look at Irish Far-Right Activity on Telegram

This report aims to provide a first look into Irish far-right activity on the messaging app, Telegram, where the movement is operating both as identifiable groups and influencers, and anonymously-run channels and groups. This report was produced in conjunction with TheJournal.ie and its investigative platform Noteworthy.ie as part of their Eyes Right series.