Counter narratives


Développement et Mise en Place De Plans D’action Locaux pour Prévenir et Contrer L’extrémisme Violent en Afrique de L’est

Ce guide a été conçu par le Strong Cities Network (SCN), sur la base des expériences du Kenya en matière de développement de plans d’action de comté (PAC) pour la prévention et la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent, comme une ressource pour les gouvernements et les organisations de la société civile en Afrique de l’Est qui souhaitent développer un plan d'action local (PAL).

Developing and Implementing Local Action Plans for P/CVE in East Africa: SCN Toolkit with lessons from Kenya.

Toolkit designed by The Strong Cities Network (SCN), based on Kenya’s experience in developing County Action Plans (CAPs) as a resource for governments and civil society organisations in East Africa who are interested in developing a Local Action Plan (LAP). LAPs seek to build a multisectoral approach to strengthening community resilience and addressing the root causes of violent extremism, polarisation and hate.

Fostering Civic Responses to Online Harms: Learnings from the Online Civil Courage Initiative and the Online Civic Fund

This report reviews the impact of the Online Courage Civic Initiative and Online Civic Fund in 2019, demonstrating how effective civil society actors can be when provided with the necessary resources and platform. Our overview shows the significant impact that civil society can have in countering hate online and offline, providing key learnings, inspiring similar initiatives and demonstrating the ways the civil sector can co-ordinate long term.

Voices of Pakistani Youth: Lessons for Civil Society in the Development of Effective Counter-Narrative Campaigns

This report provides a series of evidence-based lessons for international NGOs, practitioners and activists working in Pakistan, to improve their capacities in developing counter-narrative campaigns to counter extremism and hate speech. Through YouthCAN, focus groups, bringing together 70 young people from Islamabad, explored how youth in the country understand extremism and hate speech.