
Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum (Greek)

The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum (Romanian)

The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum (French)

À l’Institut pour le Dialogue Stratégique (ISD), nous pensons que pour que la communauté numérique soit synonyme d´ énergie positive, de créativité et de bonnes expériences, les jeunes doivent apprendre à être de vrais acteurs sur Internet et non de simples spectateurs.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum Bulgarian

The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum English

The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students.

Digital Citizenship Education: Programming Toolkit

This toolkit has been designed as a resource for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) whose missions focus on education, youth engagement, digital citizenship, online safety and/or social cohesion. Education practitioners working directly with young people in schools or youth centres may find aspects useful too.

YouthCAN: The Many States of Activism

To help address the need for a more robust and youth-inclusive evidence base, ISD conducted a survey that was completed by 728 young activists globally to find out which barriers and opportunities had been most significant to their activism journey, as well as which skills they valued most.

No Platform for Old Men, Barriers to Online Youth Civic Engagement and P-CVE in Europe

Through the Youth Civil Activism Network (YouthCAN), our teams have been working with young people who consider themselves civically engaged and interested in preventing and countering violent extremism in their communities. This report makes recommendations for overcoming the barriers to online youth civic engagement, based on our work resourcing and supporting young activists from 14 countries across Western and Eastern Europe.