
COVID-19 Disinformation Briefing No.3

This report looks at disinformation surrounding COVID-19 contact tracing. ISD released a pioneering investigation with BBC Click, mapping the scale and nature of online disinformation around COVID-19 in the US, as well as its co-option by far right actors. The investigation was featured on BBC World’s Click programme, as well as on the BBC News website.

Algorithm Inspection and Regulatory Access

Algorithms play a central role in social media platforms – and may contribute to systemic, structural challenges to democracy and human rights. As identified in the White Paper, through their decisions around the design of algorithms, the platforms have a significant impact on citizens’ rights to information and free expression, our rights not to be discriminated against or abused, and core democratic values.

COVID-19 Disinformation Briefing No.2

This is the second in a series of briefings from ISD’s Digital Research Unit on the information ecosystem around coronavirus (COVID-19). This briefing focuses on the way far-right groups and individuals are mobilising around COVID-19 in the US. The first briefing in the series can be found on ISD’s website.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum (Greek)

The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum (Romanian)

The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum (French)

À l’Institut pour le Dialogue Stratégique (ISD), nous pensons que pour que la communauté numérique soit synonyme d´ énergie positive, de créativité et de bonnes expériences, les jeunes doivent apprendre à être de vrais acteurs sur Internet et non de simples spectateurs.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum Bulgarian

The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students.

Young Digital Leaders: 2019 Curriculum English

The Young Digital Leaders curriculum consists of five sessions targeted at students aged 12-15 years old. In line with the Council of Europe definition of digital citizenship, the curriculum aims to support students.

COVID-19 Disinformation Briefing No.1

This is the first in a series of briefings from ISD’s Digital Research Unit on the information ecosystem around COVID-19. This first briefing compiles research from ISD’s own analysis of online platforms, as well as summarising recent investigations and research on the state of play of disinformation around COVID-19.

Digital Citizenship Education: Programming Toolkit

This toolkit has been designed as a resource for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) whose missions focus on education, youth engagement, digital citizenship, online safety and/or social cohesion. Education practitioners working directly with young people in schools or youth centres may find aspects useful too.