26 May 2022London
Weaponising information: Disinformation as a critical security threat

ISD’s CEO Sasha Havlicek participated in the second annual Defence Disrupted as a panelist speaking on disinformation.
Her session, Weaponising information: Disinformation as a critical security threat, centred on how external actors are leveraging disinformation to shape public opinion, creating a security threat in the UK and for allies abroad. This event brought into focus the need for positioning defense strategy both domestically and in foreign contexts to proactively combat adversaries’ exploiting the power of data for their own benefit.
Alongside Lyric Jain (CEO and Founder, Logically.ai), John-Orr Hanna (Chief Intelligence Officer, CRISP), and moderator Dan Fitter (Privacy, Security & Safety Lead, PUBLIC), Sasha discussed who is behind the creation of disinformation, current strategies in the EU and UK, the role of the private sector, and what disinformation may look like in a landscape that continues to evolve with new technology.
You can read a blog entry of the panel discussion here.