26 Sep 2023Online

The CCOA team hosted its digital launch, marking the kick-off of the working groups

Coalition to Counter Online Antisemitism (CCOA) team –Hannah Rose, Zoe Manzi, Jacob Davey, Solveig Barth, Sina Laubenstein, and Nathalie Rücker -, hosted a digital launch event on September 26, 2023, at 16:00 CET, marking the kick-off of working groups in October. The event brought together the CCOA team, along with experts, researchers, and journalists committed to tackling online antisemitism.

The event began with an introduction by Huberta von Voss, highlighting ISD’s efforts to combat antisemitism. Wester Meijdam, Policy Officer at the Office of the European Commission Coordinator for combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, delivered a keynote speech, accentuating the initiative’s significance within the framework of the EU strategy for countering antisemitism and promoting Jewish life. Rowan Barnett, Director of Google.org, Europe, Middle East & Africa, provided insights into why google.org supports the project in his opening remarks. Attendees learned about the long-term objectives of the CCOA and the collaborative working groups involved. The CCOA team shared as well ISD’s latest research findings regarding online antisemitism. Additionally, ISD colleagues-Milo Comerford, and Cooper Gatewood-, provided an overview of the DAU unit and ISD’s main workstreams.