23 Apr 2024Online
Stockholm Series: Jennie King on the fight for information integrity, climate action & democracy

ISD’s Head of Climate Disinformation Research and Policy, Jennie King, was the inaugural speaker for the 2024’s Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy.
The lecture, titled ‘Overheated: The Fight for Information Integrity, Climate Action and Democracy” was held at the International IDEA Headquarters in Strömsborg, Stockholm. The event blurb reads,
“Democracy demands a public mandate, translating our common will into policies that can benefit the whole. This is especially true for the climate crisis, as we face a ‘brief and rapidly closing window’ (IPCC) to act for a liveable future. Despite the urgency and gravity of this moment, public discourse on the issue is increasingly fragmented, partisan, and unmoored from science. Climate action has become a lightning rod for conspiracism and mistrust of institutions and is being weaponised to deepen social divisions. How did we get here? Who stands to benefit? And, above all, how can we chart a pathway forward?”

ISD’s Jennie King in conversation with Dr Victor Galaz (right), Associate Professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre & Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora (left), Secretary-General, International IDEA in Strömsborg, Stockholm.
“The number of people who stand to
benefit from producing or amplifying
mis- and disinformation on climate has
exploded. And crucially, the objectives
of such content have also widened.”

ISD’s Jennie King at the reception of the Stockholm Series with Dr Victor Galaz (left), Associate Professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre & Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora (middle right), Secretary-General, International IDEA.
The manuscript for the event is available here, along with a recording of the lecture.
Click here to read International IDEA’s piece on the inaugural lecture of the quarterly series.