13 Jul 2023Online

Press briefing: The ever-shifting landscape of climate mis- and disinformation

Climate journalists are responsible for sifting through the climate information landscape in order to inform the public. This can often be a great challenge for journalists who are dedicated to informing the public, and don’t want to unwittingly become an accomplice to a disinformation campaign.

In this press briefing, co-hosted by Covering Climate Now and Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD)– a coalition of NGOs tackling climate mis- and disinformation of which ISD is a forming member–, journalists are invited to learn how to cover a climate disinformation campaign without amplifying it, to talk through the nuances around free speech and disinformation, and to think through how to inoculate readers against misinformation.

ISD’s Head of Climate Research and Policy, as well as co-founder of CAAD, Jennie King, will be one of the featured panellists. She will be joined by professor of Media Studies at Rutgers University, Melissa Aronczyk, as well as senior journalist for BBC News Marco Silva, who specialises in covering climate change disinformation.

The session will be moderated by award-winning investigative climate journalist and founder of the independent podcast network and production company Critical Frequency, Amy Westervelt.

If you’re a journalist interested in attending, please RSVP here.


July 13, 2023 

11:00 am (ET) / 5:00 pm (CET)


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