20 Nov 2023Washington
Historical Perspectives on Anti-Muslim Prejudice in the United States and Lessons for Today
ISD’s Zahed Amanullah joins Farah Pandith, Adjunct Senior Fellow for the Council on Foreign Relations, and George Selim, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs for the Anti-Defamation League for this one hour webinar, “Historical Perspectives on Anti-Muslim Prejudice in the United States and Lessons for Today” for the Council on Foreign Relations. Deborah Amos, Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University, moderated the discussion which covered a historic overview of anti-Muslim prejudice in the US going back to the civil rights movement and later events such as the Iran hostage crisis, the Satanic Verses controversy, the 9/11 attacks, the Ground Zero mosque, and more. The panel discussed how and when anti-Muslim prejudice became mainstreamed and how it has been documented as Muslims gained a more visible presence in America’s social, cultural, and political landscape. Finally, the panel looked at new manifestations around the Israel-Hamas conflict and how anti-Muslim prejudice can be addressed within academic, educational, community, and legislative frameworks.
Watch the webinar and read the transcript here.
Go to https://www.cfr.org/event/historical-perspectives-anti-muslim-prejudice-united-states-and-lessons-today