29 Oct 2018 - 30 Oct 2018Birmingham, UK
Building Strong Cities Conference

This two-day conference facilitated national and international knowledge-sharing on building strong cities with a specific focus on community cohesion, preventing and countering violent crime and radicalisation.
The conference shared a wide range of UK cities experiences’ in developing community-centric approaches to addressing radicalisation and extremism and building community resilience.
The challenges faced by local policy makers in preventing and countering violent extremism, whilst also seeking to build cohesive and resilient communities, calls for innovative and evolving solutions. Such solutions can only be achieved through collaboration between government, private organisations, civil society and international organisations.
Building Strong Cities brought together local council leaders, policymakers and CVE pracitioners from across the UK and internationally, to encourage collaboration, knowledge exchange and to foster partnerships across local governments.
Organised by:
- Birmingham City Council
- Strong Cities Network
- London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
- Luton Council
- Leicester City Council
- Manchester City Council